Participating in a Radicle Science study

We asked participants in a recent Straight Hemp + Radicle Science study what was their most favorite part about participating in the study. The 4-week study was designed to generate Real-World Evidence about the brand’s performance and customer behavior/use patterns. The actionable insights generated include amount used, administration frequency, demographic and behavioral characteristics of users, along with potential predictors and modifiers of response and adverse effects.

In order to enroll in the study, participants answered some baseline questions, signed online consent, and agreed to take their Straight Hemp CBD product as they normally would during the 28-day period. They logged their usage via short daily surveys, and answered weekly surveys about their health and any impact from the CBD. At the end of the study, they completed a final survey. All survey responses were logged in the study portal. After all data was analysed, each participant received a personalized Radicle Health Journey Report which summarized their usage patterns over the course of the 4-week study and also compared their individual data to the study population.

At the end of the study, Radicle Science surveyed participants for feedback on how they felt about being in the study.

Here are the top 7 participant answers!

Participants, Straight Hemp + Radicle Science Study

To learn more about Radicle Science and the numerous studies that are underway, visit our website. To stay up to date and learn about future opportunities, subscribe and follow us on LinkedIn!

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