Principled. Passionate. Kind.

Lisa brings a diverse background to Radicle, with a Bachelor’s in Computational and Applied Math from Rice University, experience in Mechanical Engineering and Acoustics, as well as a Masters in Social Work from the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. Her career journey has encompassed mental health research, nonprofit fundraising and development, and pioneering work at the intersection of social work and informal learning through art. She has also served as the Co-director of the Community Arts Institute and the Assistant Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, among other roles.

Professionally, Lisa’s passion lies in promoting inclusive and safe communities. She is committed to roles that empower communities and contribute to enhancing quality of life and capacity building. Her interest extends to fostering research literacy in the general public and focusing her career on community-driven solutions aimed at achieving greater equity, peace, and joy. As a social worker, she is particularly keen on mezzo-level interventions involving both programs and policies that enhance people’s lives.

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